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Equipment for manufacturing of foamed concrete
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Cutting or moulds?


??R?? foamed concrete cutting set

RK-3 Cutting Set


As construction market is being restructured, number of construction companies looking to raise their competitive ability not only by price drop but also by increasing of materials and completed projects quality is getting bigger. These generalizations of the gathered experience in new equipment and technology developing show that one of the upcoming trends used to upgrade the output products’ quality and efficiency is adaption of the cutting technology. The next basic reasons can prove it:


1. Strength gain of material in a mass (mould volume is 0,92m3) goes much more extensively by means of heat liberation and conservation in the process of cement hydration. This fact provides higher strength characteristics of the product.

2. The cutting technology provides to manufacture products with geometric fidelity of ± 1 mm and product’s surface quality meets necessary standards. This significantly increases thermal efficiency of exterior walls and allows making settings using special types of glue.

3. The cutting set allows producing products of different types and sizes. It is not possible when one uses battery moulds because sizes of blocks depend on cells’ sizes.

4. Economic efficiency.


Developing the cutting technology in the production of such construction materials as foamed concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete and polystyrene concrete technologists of our company have constructed a new RK-3 cutting set. Use of the cutting set causes the direct economic effect due to the following factors:


  • reduction of labor expenses (to service the set only 2 persons are needed). For example, to service the base of battery moulds (assembly, disassembly, cleaning, lubrication) with capacity 20 m3 per shift min 6-8 persons are needed;
  • counting capital investments in case of the metal battery moulds use we find that to supply a factory with capacity 20 m3 per shift roughly 1200000 rubles are needed (if average market price of the battery molds is 60000 rubles for 1m3 ). The cost of the RK-3 cutting set is 350000 rubles. Moulds for mass filling (mold volume 0, 92 m3) in the amount of 22 pieces at the price of 22000 rubles cost 484000 rubles. (It is possible to reduce investments in the moulds through individual production according to provided schemes).

As a result you can save 366000 rubles and get the opportunity to turn out products of higher quality.
Endurance of saw blades depends on the used raw materials’ type and properties and as a rule equals to 10000-12000 m2 of cut.
  It is also necessary to note that:


  • defect ratio of finished product is much higher when the battery moulds are used;
  • consumption of mold release is more than five times higher when the metal battery moulds are used;
  • sellers of the equipment assure that the metal battery moulds are “eternal”, but the moulds’ operating life is quite short. It is necessary to follow operating standards using such moulds. But in practice assembly and disassembly of the moulds are made using some available tools (hammer, sledgehammer, crowbar, etc.), and as a result metal is distorted. It leads to significant dimensional drifts of the products, and the mould is unworkable in the future.




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