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Foamed concrete
Foamed concrete refers to blown-out concrete grade. Foamed concrete consists of cement agent, silicic component, water and structure-forming additives. Porous structure is achieved by foam injection into mortar.
Depending on density foamed concrete can be divided into the following types:
Foamed concrete can be used in all climatic zones. It has perfect insulating characteristics and is operable for manufacturing all construction elements.
Properties of foamed concrete:
1. Low heat transfer. Foamed concrete porous structure provides good insulation, so walls and floors made of foamed concrete do not need additional insulation.
2. Good acoustic insulation. Foamed concrete provides low noise transmission. This feature is necessary for making acoustical blanket on floor slabs made of structural concrete.
3. Ecological properties. Foamed concrete is one of the most eco-friendly and non-hazardous materials, also it doesn’t educe any harmful substances in operation. It is inferior in environmental compatibility only to wood, but at the same time foamed concrete has longer lifetime and is more reliable.
4. Fire safety. Due to low heat transfer foamed concrete secures from fire and it is highly recommended for fire-resistant constructions.
5. Long time performance. Foamed concrete is resistant to moistness and doesn’t decay.
6. Comfort operation conditions. In foamed concrete buildings thermal lost in cold seasons is minimized, and costs for conditioning in summer decrease.
Areas of application: walls and partitions in low-height buildings, Exterior and enclosure structures in monolithic house-building, acoustic and heat insulation of inter-floor construction, roofs winterization, heat insulation of pipelines and process equipment, voids filling (shafts preservation), construction blocks, beams, wall panels and floors manufacturing.