Automated lines - mini plant for aerated concrete production
With fly ash aggregate
With sand aggregate
Capacity 50 m3/shift
Aerated concrete is a popular construction material at modern market. Due to its high quality characteristics aerated concrete is widely used for walling. Plant consists of several sections: section of raw materials storage, mixing section, molding section, thermal treatment section, section of aerated concrete mass sawing, and also warehouse of finished products. Section of storage, treatment and delivery of raw materials. Portland cement. Material must comply with GOST 10178, grade PC 500 D0, PC?¦-400 D20. To silica components the following refer: fly ash of heating power plants and sand which satisfies GOST 8736 requirements. For aerated concrete production process water complying with GOST 23732 is used. As gas forming agent additives which provide required aerated concrete characteristics are used.
In aerated concert production structuring agents and agents of plastic strength, and also hardeners and plasticizers are used. They are potassium carbonate (GOST 4221), gypsum and gypsum-anhydrate stone (GOST 4013), soda ash (GOST 5100), triethanolamine (TU 6-09-2448), sodium water glass (GOST 13078), tri-sodium phosphate (GOST 201), superplasticizer ??-3 (TU 6-14-625), and also process caustic soda (GOST 2263). For fine materials storage vessels (silos) are used. Volume of such silos should correspond to capacity. Fly ash and cement are delivered by cement trucks and loaded into silos through pneumatic gun. Silos have vibrators, filters and aeration system.
Sand is loaded in special intake hoppers, and then it goes to vibrocriblle for screening oversize grains and foreign inclusions. Then sand enters weigh batcher through belt conveyor. Water used in aerated concrete production must be prepared in advance. To prepare it water treatment system is used. The system provides water heating and maintenance of water temperature, and also dosing according to parameters determined by operator. To heat water electric boiler is used, and for water transportation system of hydro circulation is applied.
Structure: electronic control system, bridge, mixer of aerated concrete, and also batchers of different types: for dry components and chemical admixtures. Batchers with strain sensors are installed on the bridge. Mixer of aerated concrete is situated under the batchers.
Operator manages and controls materials feed from the control panel. Firstly cement and sand (or fly ash) is dosed. The last thing chemical admixtures are dosed and loaded in the installation, and then mortar is mixed until it has uniform consistency. Then gas forming additive enters the mixer, and mixture is stirred for 1-2 minutes.
Molding section.
Here aerated concrete mass is formed. Ready mixture with bid cock GB-0,85 is fed into mold. Mold has detachable borders, and its basement is a wheel carriage with metal frame and water resistant plywood. Before mixing section mold must be geased.
Full mold enter thermal treatment section. This section means thermal treatment chamber. Duration and temperature mode are determined with process regulations. This stage of aerated concrete preparation is important because it contributes to fast hardening of mixture, and also allows getting aerated concrete with high strength properties.
Section of cutting aerated concrete into blocks.
Mold with concrete enters cutting section by rail tracks. Here mold borders are disassembled and basement is reliably fixed on rail track with a special grip. Movable cutting system saws mass in horizontal and vertical planes dividing it into blocks of necessary sizes.
Ready blocks are put on pallet and wrapped with stretch wrap. Pallets enter warehouse of finished products and installed in 2-3 rows.
1. All processes automation. 2. Dosing stability of all components. 3. Full service for arrangement of making any products of aerated concrete. Our specialists will perform engineering and technological works; also we manufacture and supply equipment; do all commissioning; technologist will visit your plant to start up the equipment; personnel training; we will develop for you individual process regulations; and also other kinds of works concerned assistance in getting products certification, warranty maintenance and consultancy support at any stage.