Molds for aerated concrete pouring
Molds for manufacturing aerated concrete and other types of blown-out concrete define quality of finished products. Right choice of molds guarantees accuracy of obtained blocks sizes.
Molds for aerated concrete blocks are made of plywood, metal or plastic. Molds price and characteristics depend on material they are made of.
Innovative molds have metal frame and walls and borders made of water resistant plywood. Metal frame eliminated borders deformation. Key advantage of using molds in aerated concrete production is their low cost. Before mixture pouring it is necessary to grease internal surfaces in order to prevent sticking of foamed concrete to mold borders, basement and walls.
Metal and plastic molds require minimal quantity of grease.
Metal battery molds for aerated concrete have high cost and require more grease. Continuous lifetime of these molds depends on operating rules observance.
Offered molds allow getting ready blocks and also masses for following sawing on blocks of desire sizes.
We offer you molds for aerated concrete and also drawings for their assembly. Quality molds for aerated concrete will work for a long time and provide adequate products level.
Obtained block
FM-0,85 m3
for "ARK" Cutting system
24 blocks (598*295*198)
48 blocks (598*295*98)
Metal and plastic mold for foamed concrete, gas concrete and polystyrene
concrete manufacturing. (sizes of obtained mass: 2396*607*598mm.)
FM-0,84 m3
for "ARK" Cutting system
Mold for foamed concrete and polystyrene concrete manufacturing.
(sizes of obtained mass 1198*598*295 mm) 4 masses
FM-1,47 m3
for "ARK" cutting complex
(sizes of obtained mass:
1198*598*295 mm)
7 masses
Drawings for independent assembly of molds are provided.
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