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Belt conveyorBelt conveyor is a handler used at different facilities. Conveying of bulk and piece materials is possible in horizontal and inclined directions, so this equipment is absolutely multifunctional.
Main part is a rubber band on which material is moved to usage area. The conveyor also includes frame with rolls, drag bar and belt drive.
Gear motor installed on driving drum shaft starts the belt conveyor. Band tension is adjusted with drag bar.
Due to simple operating principle and several functions it is possible to produce conveyors of different size, capacity and productivity, depending on your plant requirements and features.
Band speed and pitch can be adjusted providing maximum efficiency.
There are several types of conveyors which are successfully used in different industries. Belt conveyor is used to feed small amount of material on small distances (to 20 meters). It is multifunctional equipment applied at many plants. Easy of operation, durability and wear resistance make this equipment irreplaceable for successful work.