+7 383 203-28-12
+7 913-923-66-02

ARK Cutting machine for aerated concreteUncut dimensions, mm: 2396*607*598
Installed capacity, kW: 13 Carriage dimensions, mm: 1950*1900*1400 Guides dimensions, mm: 4800*1300 Machine weight, kg: 950 Supply voltage, V: 380 ARK Cutting machine is meant for operation in manual and automatic modes. Sawing allows obtaining blocks of any sizes.
Using at your plant cutting machine with program control you will increase capacity and reduce costs. The cutting machine has unique performance specifications because due to program control you will get blocks and panels of any sizes! ARK operation does not require any lifting mechanisms. Only one operator is needed for work. Masses for cutting are delivered by rails on molds basements. Molds have wheels. This technology reduces reject rate and makes ARK cost-efficient. Cutting machine with program control allows decrease number of operation sand increase products quality. During mass vertical sawing the machine makes two cuts at one time. Horizontal cutting provides any sizes of blocks. Please watch video about ARK operation in “media” section.
Advantage of cutting over battery molds is obvious. As a result of cutting you get blocks with shape complying with GOSTs requirements, increase efficiency and obtain high class products.
Operating principle: dismountable mold with mass enters in ARK operation area. Edges are removed and mold basement is fixed, and then mass sawing starts.